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Boy presents with fatigue, minimal responsivity, and diffuse muscle weakness
August 7th 2024An 11-year-old boy with a history of asthma and allergic rhinitis presented to the emergency department (ED) with worsening fatigue, minimal responsivity to external stimuli, and diffuse muscle weakness for 2 months.
A 9-year-old boy presents with neck mass
July 3rd 2024A 9-year-old boy was seen for follow-up of a neck mass noted several years earlier. He first presented with this finding at 3 years of age, when during an otherwise unremarkable examination, he became upset, and a protuberant swelling was noted in the anterior aspect of the right side of his neck. What's the diagnosis?
11-year-old boy with testicular pain and rash
January 19th 2024An 11-year-old boy presented to the emergency department complaining of left testicular pain for 2 days, described as intermittent and stabbing, which ranged between 5 and 8 of 10 in intensity. Read the full case to see if you can correctly diagnose the patient.
Newborn with midline neck lesion
A 4-day-old boy with a midline neck lesion was born at term by normal vaginal delivery. After birth, mid line lesion had the configuration of a linear cleft with a cephalocaudal orientation, extending from the level below the hyoid bone to the suprasternal notch with a length of 2.5 cm and a width of 0.5 cm. What's the diagnosis?
A 13-year-old girl with well-demarcated rash on back and chest
October 19th 2023A healthy 13-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of an asymptomatic, well-demarcated rash on her back and upper chest. The eruption consisted of discrete, dark brown papules that coalesced into large, flat-topped plaques with mild superficial scale and accentuation of skin markings. What's the diagnosis?
Suspicious facial swelling in a 22-month-old girl
October 11th 2023A 22-month-old female patient with sickle cell disease on folic acid and penicillin prophylaxis with a 3-day history of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, fever and decreased oral intake presents to the emergency department (ED) for acute facial swelling noted when she woke up from a nap. What's the diagnosis?
Friction-induced blistering on a child’s feet
July 14th 2023You are called to the hospital nursery to evaluate a healthy full-term newborn boy who developed painful flaccid blisters and erosions on the tops of his feet and ankles shortly after birth. His mother had a history of similar recurrent skin lesions that healed with scarring. She also had oral and gastrointestinal tract involvement. What's the diagnosis?
A case of late-onset group B Streptococcus infection in fraternal twins
August 18th 2022A 29-year-old White woman presented to the labor and delivery unit due to preterm premature rupture of membranes and delivered twins. The twins were transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit following delivery.