When to Consider Surgery for an Obese Teen
January 7th 2010My daughter has been overweight her whole lifeand is always the largest kid in class. She’s juststarted high school and wants so badly to feelattractive, yet she cannot bear trying anotherweight loss program. At 5 ft 6 in, she weighs262 lb. Can you refer her to a surgeon so she canhave the operation that helps her lose weight?
Hot Tub Folliculitis in a 5-Year-Old Girl
January 5th 2010A 5-year-old girl presented with a 2-day history of a widespread pruritic rash that began while the family was on vacation. The rash appeared suddenly as small pink macules and progressed to papules and pustules. Her brother had a similar-appearing but milder rash. She denied fever, chills, or constitutional symptoms. On further questioning, her father reported that she and her brother had been in a hot tub at their vacation home.
Status Epilepticus: Evaluation and Management
December 29th 2009ABSTRACT: Status epilepticus (SE) is associated with high morbidity and mortality in children. Fever is a common cause of SE and may precipitate seizures in children who have underlying epilepsy risk factors or may signal intracranial infection.