A collection of web resouces about pediatric obesity.
A recent poll found that Americans believe childhood obesity is the biggest health problem facing children today, outstripping drugs, alcohol, and smoking. The numbers agree: as of 2008, 14.8% of low-income children 4 and under were obese, with even more overweight. Many groups are working to make kids eat healthier, be more active, and log fewer sedentary hours behind the TV or computer.
AAP's obesity page:
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity."
Addressing childhood obesity:
From a national conference on child obesity prevention.
Child obesity and child abuse:
From USA Today: can obesity be considered a form of parental abuse?
Clinical trials for obese children:
From clinicaltrials.gov.
Current child obesity statistics:
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's MMWR journal.
Dietary restrictions for healthy children:
From the American Heart Association.
Ear, nose, and throat disorders:
From the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.
"The growing problem of 'diabesity'":
From Medline Plus magazine.
Helping your overweight child:
From the Weight-control Information Network (WIN) of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, one of the National Institutes of Health.