Hepatitis B risks vs vaccine risks


In 2 new education documents, Physicians for Informed Consent outlines the risks of Hepatitis B compared to the risks of the Hepatitis B vaccination.

Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has recently released 2 education documents. The first is a Disease Information Statement for hepatitis B titled, “Hepatitis B: What Parents Need to Know,” and the second is a Vaccine Risk Statement for Hepatitis B titled, “Hepatitis B Vaccine: Is It Safer Than Hepatitis B?”

These documents were developed to help people assess the risks of hepatitis B and its vaccine and make an informed decision on vaccination.

“New parents need to know that if their infants are normal-risk, which 99% of newborns are, then the chance of them getting fatal hepatitis B is 0.00001% or one in seven million — a prevaccine statistic,” said Shira Miller, MD, PIC founder and president. “They also need to know that all hepatitis B vaccines include the neurotoxin aluminum — which means there’s a 100% guarantee their infant will be exposed to aluminum if they get injected with a hepatitis B vaccine.”

The documents explain what Hepatitis B is, what the side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine are, and whether the vaccine is safer than Hepatitis B. Important information is discussed, such as how an unvaccinated normal-risk children has a 1 in 7 million chance of developing fatal hepatitis B.

Another fact included in the documents is that about 50% of children vaccinated for hepatitis B lose their immunity before age 5. The vaccine also does not have a significant effect on the appearance of chronic hepatitis B infection, and it may cause seizures in about 1 in 1300 children. The level of aluminum in the vaccine is about 75 times greater than the maximum amount of aluminum safe for infants weighing about 7 pounds.

When analyzing the evidence, the Institution of Medicine concluded that the possibility of the hepatitis B vaccination causing more than 2 dozen neurological and autoimmune disorders cannot be ruled out.


Physicians for informed consent (PIC) releases new educational documents assessing risks of hepatitis b compared to risks of the hepatitis b vaccine. AP News. September 13, 2022. Accessed September 14, 2022. https://apnews.com/article/health-hepatitis-34b54ae18a98c003891df7b421f3425b

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