Clearly, we touched a nerve when we invited you to put pen to paper to channel your feelings about the Maintenance of Certification program-in haiku form!
Clearly, we touched a nerve when we invited you to put pen to paper to channel your feelings about the Maintenance of Certification program-in haiku form! We were amazed and impressed at the number of submissions and the creativity, humor and passion they captured. Herewith (after much deliberation) are the winners by category.
Sorry kids-can’t come
To your concert. I’ve got to
Enter my data
-Scott Goldstein, MD, FAAP
MOC takes my time and
my money away from help-
ing children. Evil
-Nancy W. Weres, MD
MOC complete.
Am I better or safer?
Does this help children?
-Deborah Greenhouse, MD, FAAP
Nobody got time for that
MOC madness
This pediatrician reads.
-C.L. Hardin, MD, FAAP
Test, Part Two, Part Four
Time away from patient care
Unfunded mandate
-Susan Laster, MD
Why do you MOC me
with your useless busywork
I have kids to help
-Jane Black, MD
I “maintain” one thing:
An infinite number of
Better things to do
-Scott Goldstein, MD, FAAP
MOC me once said I
MOC me twice and I say nay
No, I’ll not be mocked
-Doreen Ciancaglini, MD
“MOCK” classroom afloat
Designed for revenue stream
Is not sea worthy
-Ellen R. Cooper, MD
Spider web tangles
Practice quality assured
Time, butter, pigs fly
-Janet F. Williams, MD, FAAP (who added: “Permanent certification/MOC certified”)
M-O-C broke me
Couldn’t stomach another test
Early retirement
-Benn Rosenthal, MD
MOC for good practice
The public demands the best
We must deliver
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
Part 4’s much faster
Once you realize that no one
Checks your data’s truth
-Scott Goldstein, MD, FAAP
MOC for you
Certifies my quality
Says who I ask you!
MOC demands don’t help
What the kid needs is pri-
or approval
-A. Kyriakakos, MD, FAAP
MDs stop crying
PNPs retest yearly
Docs make more money
-Robin Burns, CPNP
And a special honorable mention for the only limerick we received!
I went to good schools for eight years
Sacrificed parties and beers
Because once I was done
I thought I’d have fun
Now the American Board interferes
-Scott Goldstein, MD, FAAP
clearly MOC or mockery
Forest for the trees.
-Janet F. Williams, MD, FAAP
Honeycomb drips and
the Queen MOCs, ‘Off with their heads!’
Quality assured.
-Janet F. Williams, MD, FAAP
MOC funday
Parts 2,3,4-repeat now
Still 80 points left.
-Edward John Bellfield, MD, MPH
Learned man brought low
Gript the dreaded M – O – So
And So, did renew
-Herbert Copeland, MD
Prep, Peds in Review
More questions than I can count
Studied enough yet?
-Mark Rosenthal, MD
MOC part 4
Research I hate, months of work
I don’t have time for.
-Mark Rosenthal, MD
Can the ABP
dictate to the world that-this-
makes a good doctor?
-Mark Rosenthal, MD
Why is CME
no enough to prove I am
keeping current here?
-Mark Rosenthal, MD
Thirteen hundred bucks
Confusing requirements
Why do I do this?
-Mark Rosenthal, MD
Busy work with high price tag
Why participate?
means what? That we jump through hoops
to be MOC rock stars?
-Cheryl L. Hardin, MD, FAAP
A-B-P dot org
M-O-C deadlines make my
teeth clench and lip pout
-Cheryl L. Hardin, MD, FAAP
oral boards? scary!
recertify q seven?
which is worse? not sure
-Marc D. Wager, MD, FAAP
You do not trust me
My patients trust me to learn
and stay up to date
-Pat Harkins, MD
Thousands of dollars
Meaningless activities
Meaningless test too
-Pat Harkins, MD
M-O-C really?
My learn’d Modus Obsessive
-Ronald A. Goodsite, MD, FAAP
I do this job really well
Recertify every year
Sorry, not sorry
-Robin Burns, CPNP
Oh my god. Stop it.
I don’t want to deal with it.
You make me crazy.
-Maria Matijasevic, MD
‘Grandfath’rd in,’ watch-
ing young peers writhe under the
added load. Too much.
-Maria Matijasevic, MD
Want to pick a fight
MO certification
will stir up the docs
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
I do not need this
I study hard and stay current
MOC a nasty chore
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
maintenance is good or bad
What is your viewpoint?
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
MOC is a mistake
for some it is nirvana
a mixed bag for sure
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
I love doing MOC
you hate the very concept
need a compromise
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
MOC is ABP truth talk
front line docs don’t think so
is there middle ground?
-Herbert T. Abelson, MD
To stay Certified
Pay more for your M-O-C
For the birds only!
-Khai Ngo, MD
M-O-C ha ha
the last laugh is on doctors…
Jump through more hoops! NOW!
-Charles Hsu, MD
Isn’t CME
enough to make a doctor?
I hate M-O-C
-Charles Hsu, MD
Take more of my time
to jump through M-O-C hoops
I refuse for once
-Alice D. Calhoun, MD
Bending o’er backwards
Mindless running in circles
Life with M-O-C
-Alice D. Calhoun, MD
Bend over backwards.
Run in circles. Blood
from a turnip. MOC!
-Alice D. Calhoun, MD
Adult learning sacked
Thrown out Prometric windows
Cram facts to click keys
-Mary Beth Miotto, MD, FAAP
Yet another task?!?
One thousand three hundred bucks?!?
Why on earth should we?
-Julie Schopps, MD
Will it make me a
Better pediatrician?
Show me the money.
-Gregory F. Hayden, MD
I know what I know.
Why pay money to waste time?
The MOC has to go!
-Pamela Mouser, MD