Profiles of the Medical Testing Suite program, Insight eNo system, and PediaVision Assessment Solution.
Bedside health ed videos for kids and parents
The Medical Testing Suite was developed to reduce pediatric patient anxiety and improve understanding of common medical tests. Another "suite" is available on the topic of post-procedural care, to help parents learn about the basics of various medical and home care procedures. Each video program is between three and five minutes long.
FDA-approved system assists asthma management
The system includes a small desktop Insight monitor with a large color screen that acts as the primary user interface for the non-invasive Insight breath tubes. Patients breathe into the disposable tubes, and their eNO data is recorded on patient-specific smart cards. A dedicated printer can print trend charts and reports. In addition, Insight eNO provides results in under a minute, is safe for use in a multi-patient clinic setting, and is expressly designed for the physician's office. For more information, please visit
Vision screening results in under five seconds
Launched in October 2008, the technology uses an infrared camera that combines auto-refraction and video-retinoscopy to take a digital photograph of the patient from one meter away. The captured information automatically assesses a child's vision in less than five seconds, producing written results and recommending whether the patient should see a specialist.
PAS technology includes a handheld vision screener; a laptop computer, printer, and cables; automated vision assessment software; and software upgrades. For more information, please visit