Three profiles of a magical waste basket, a reusable breastpump, and a t-shirt that helps prevent food allergies.
A multi-user breastpump
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A cleaner way to toss trash
Actually, it's an infrared sensor, which flips open the lid when it detects movement within 10 inches of the can. The cans are battery powered, and have been tested to get 10,000 opens before the battery needs to be changed.
For more information, please visit
A fashionable way to stop food sharing
Alert Clothing's line of t-shirts, long-sleeve tees, and cloth bags should make things clear. "No food sharing - thank you!" they say. The message is available with a choice of 12 crayon-drawn characters, from princesses and ladybugs to cowboys and spaceships. They're available in toddler sizes.
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Recognize & Refer: Hemangiomas in pediatrics
July 17th 2019Contemporary Pediatrics sits down exclusively with Sheila Fallon Friedlander, MD, a professor dermatology and pediatrics, to discuss the one key condition for which she believes community pediatricians should be especially aware-hemangiomas.