RSV: 1 year post-tripledemic emergency department update


Steven Selbst, MD, provides a quick update on what he has noticed in his hospital when it comes to RSV-associated emergency department visits and how they compare to this time last year, during the "tripledemic." This interview was conducted at the 2023 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition in Washington DC.

Interview transcript (edited for clarity):

Contemporary Pediatrics:

One year after a severe RSV season, can you provide an update on what your emergency department has experienced so far with the virus?

Steven Selbst, MD:

We're still seeing RSV. It's not the same level as it was last year. I think last year was a very early season for RSV and it could be that this is going to be the normal season. We're just getting into the RSV season in October. We're still hopeful that patients will be vaccinated that parent mothers will get vaccinated, and that will keep kids from getting RSV babies for getting RSV, we have to wait and see how that's going to turn out. I don't know how many families are going to go and get the RSV protection that they need. So I'm sure you know, RSV is the leading cause of admission to the hospital. It would kind of be nice to have a quiet winter. I don't think the hospital administrators will be too happy but taking care of kids is our priority and it'd be nice if we could eliminate RSV but we have to wait and see if that's going to happen. We're still seeing a fair number of cases early on in October and it could be that we haven't reached the peak yet.

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