Sneak peek at best sessions on Sunday at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology


At the SPD 2022 47th Annual Meeting, a recap of don’t-miss sessions for Sunday, July 10.

At this live meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Sunday, July 10 is offering a diverse roster of offerings for attendees. The morning starts off with “Creating Solutions for the Workforce Shortage: An SPD Town Hall Meeting,” where both leaders and attendees are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions about the pediatric dermatology workforce shortage. With long wait times, and patient access issues getting worse, results from a recent member survey on this topic will be shared and discussed.

Elena Pope, MD, will be giving part 2 of the Hurwitz Lecture series: “Working With Orphan Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities.” Here, Dr. Pope looks at rare diseases that affect 10% of the population, with 2/3 of them being children; sadly, 30% of those children die before the age of 5 years.

Additionally, Aaron Carroll, MD, will be discussing digesting health news in the media, offering such tips as considering absolute risks, don't give too much weight to observational data, and acknowledge the harms, as well as the benefits, of recommendations in articles.

Toby Maurer, MD, will share global health opportunities for pediatric dermatologists. Maurer teaches and conducts research in telemedicine with programs in Kenya, Uganda, India, and Bangladesh, and is also working with the National Library of Medicine to examine the intersection of teledermatology and artificial intelligence.

Finally, a presentation of the year in review of the The Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA), which was created by leaders in 2012 in response to unmet research needs in pediatric dermatology. Also, SPD's Hall of Fame Award and Distinguished Service Awards will be given on this last day of the SPD meeting, as well as travel and mentorship awards.

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