Are kids with ADHD getting followup care in Medicaid? (VIDEO)
September 26th 2019For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses a study published by Department of Health and Human Services that examined whether children enrolled with Medicaid who had an ADHD diagnosis received the recommended followup care.
Impact of telemedicine on antibiotic prescriptions (VIDEO)
April 29th 2019For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses a retrospective cohort study published in Pediatrics that examined antibiotic prescribing behaviors for acute respiratory infections in 3 different care settings: direct-to-consumer telemedicine, urgent care, and the primary care office.
How did prescription guidelines for pneumonia change behaviors? (VIDEO)
February 20th 2019For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses a research letter published in JAMA Pediatrics that examined how well children's and non-children's hospitals adopted the 2011 guidelines for prescriptions written for community-acquired pneumonia treatment.
Latest recommendations for perinatal depression and counseling (VIDEO)
September 20th 2018For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses the draft statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force on the need to refer pregnant women at risk of perinatal depression to appropriate counseling.
Does preterm birth contribute to ADHD? (VIDEO)
August 1st 2018For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses a prospective population-based cohort study published in JAMA Pediatrics that examines whether a link exists between early preterm birth and the development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Does medication really improve outcomes for kids with ADHD? (VIDEO)
June 13th 2017For Contemporary Pediatrics, Dr Bobby Lazzara discusses a controversial UK-based study published in JAMA Pediatrics that examined how well pharmacologic interventions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) help education and health outcomes for impacted kids.