Safe sex progress stalls in teenagers
August 1st 2012Have efforts to reduce HIV-related risk behaviors among high school students been successful? The latest data from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention show that teens are practicing safer sex, but progress has stalled over the past decade.
Supplements fall short of children's needs
July 19th 2012More than a third of children taking dietary supplements failed to meet intake recommendations for calcium and vitamin D, a new study reports. Supplementation also raised the likelihood of excess intake of other micronutrients. Which nutrients were above recommended dietary levels? More >>
Neonatal hypoglycemia slows development
July 19th 2012Of all the neonatal morbidities that commonly plague moderately preterm-born babies, only hypoglycemia is associated with increased risk of developmental delays by the time the children reach preschool. What glucose value increases the risk of developmental delay? More >>
Uncircumcised boys at increased risk for UTI
July 19th 2012Although it is widely held that uncircumcised boys are at increased risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs) compared with circumcised boys, researchers from Canada set out to determine whether that increased risk varies with the degree of phimosis. Here’s what they discovered. More >>
Skeletal survey identifies sibling abuse
July 19th 2012Siblings of abused children, especially twins, are at high risk for physical abuse that may not be detected on physical examination, according to a new report. The findings support routine skeletal surveys for contacts of injured, abused children who are younger than 24 months, regardless of physical examination findings. More >>
Vaccine has early, significant effect on HPV
July 12th 2012Just 4 years after the licensing of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, researchers found a substantial decrease in vaccine-type HPV prevalence and evidence of herd immunity among at-risk minority, low-income young women. This discovery could lead to a reduction in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and, ultimately, cervical cancer in the community. More >>
Physical punishment leads to mental disorders
July 12th 2012Physical punishment such as spanking is associated with a range of mental and personality disorders in adulthood, researchers have found. The findings point to the importance of more positive parenting approaches that will ensure children’s future mental health. More >>
Household can be source of S aureus infection
July 5th 2012Household contacts of children infected with Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are not routinely sampled for S aureus colonization. Failure to do so may facilitate persistent colonization or recurrent infections, according to a new report. More >>
Cerebral damage key factor for impaired vision
July 5th 2012Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is widely considered the primary cause of visual impairment in extremely premature children. Now Danish researchers report that cerebral damage may be the strongest risk factor. This finding could affect how children with cerebral damage are managed. More >>
Metformin combo best for maintaining glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
July 1st 2012Investigators compared the efficacy of 3 treatment regimens in 699 youngsters aged from 10 to 17 years with type 2 diabetes: metformin monotherapy (1,000 mg twice daily), metformin plus rosiglitazone (4 mg twice daily), or metformin plus a lifestyle-intervention program focused on weight loss through family-based changes in eating and activitiy behaviors.