
Katherine Whang, BS, MS3


Progressive plaque in a 9-year-old boy

Anxious parents present their healthy 9-year-old son for evaluation of a slowly enlarging plaque that began developing on his lower back 3 months ago. What's the diagnosis?

Brianna Aoyama, MD


Vaping and electronic cigarette use in the pediatric population

Electronic cigarettes and vaping products are subjecting adolescents and young adults who use them to severe lung injuries from nicotine exposure. Here’s how to counsel your young patients about the health risks of these devices.

Sharon McGrath-Morrow, MD, MBA


Vaping and electronic cigarette use in the pediatric population

Electronic cigarettes and vaping products are subjecting adolescents and young adults who use them to severe lung injuries from nicotine exposure. Here’s how to counsel your young patients about the health risks of these devices.

Jessica R Leschied, MD


How to perform a physical exam of shoulder pain in an athlete

Physical exams for shoulder pain in young athletes can be performed in the primary care setting. Here are 6 tests to help diagnose the source of the pain.

Swayam P Nirujogi, MD, MBA


Newborn with midline neck lesion

A 4-day-old boy with a midline neck lesion was born at term by normal vaginal delivery. After birth, mid line lesion had the configuration of a linear cleft with a cephalocaudal orientation, extending from the level below the hyoid bone to the suprasternal notch with a length of 2.5 cm and a width of 0.5 cm. What's the diagnosis?

Linda M Bloom, MD, FAAP


Toddler’s unusual oral trauma is troubling

A 17-month-old African American girl, with no significant past medical history, is brought to the Pediatric Emergency Department with acute onset of swelling in the floor of her mouth. What's the diagnosis?

Christopher F Valente, MD


Toddler’s unusual oral trauma is troubling

A 17-month-old African American girl, with no significant past medical history, is brought to the Pediatric Emergency Department with acute onset of swelling in the floor of her mouth. What's the diagnosis?



A preview of the September Tech issue of Contemporary Pediatrics

Editor-in-chief Tina Tan, MD, FAAP, FIDSA, FPIDS, highlights the August 2024 issue of Contemporary Pediatrics.

Yi Shao, BS, MS4


Boy’s anxiety leads to hand rubbing, biting

A healthy 11-year-old boy presents for evaluation of thick skin over the metacarpal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints on his right hand. What's the diagnosis?

Christina Graley, MD


Evidence supports prophylactic treatment for migraine

Available data cannot claim benefits of one medication over another for pediatric migraine, but evidence supports treatment of some kind to reduce frequency and severity.

Christopher Oakley, MD


Evidence supports prophylactic treatment for migraine

Available data cannot claim benefits of one medication over another for pediatric migraine, but evidence supports treatment of some kind to reduce frequency and severity.

Michelle A Recto, BA, MS4


Persistent birthmark grows on a toddler’s back

The parents of a healthy 20-month-old boy ask for advice about a birthmark on his lower back. The lesion is asymptomatic and has grown proportionately with their son. What's the diagnosis?

James P Senter, MPH, MS4


Persistent birthmark grows on a toddler’s back

The parents of a healthy 20-month-old boy ask for advice about a birthmark on his lower back. The lesion is asymptomatic and has grown proportionately with their son. What's the diagnosis?

Autumn Hinds, MD


Unusual presentation of fever and abdominal pain in a 15-year-old female

An undocumented, Spanish-speaking, 15-year-old female presented to the emergency department with 3 weeks of fever (>101℉) and 3 days of abdominal pain. What's the diagnosis?

Sivan Kassiff, MD


Itchy black spots: Poison ivy or something else?

A 16-year-old girl presents for evaluation of a rash on her left forearm, which was 2 enlarging red areas that became increasingly pruritic and edematous. What's the diagnosis?

Daniel Nicklas, MD, FAAP


Telephone triage nurses and telemedicine providers: Key strategies for teamwork in pediatric offices

COVID-19 has brought telemedicine to the forefront of medical care. Here's some strategies that can help streamline the process, using teamwork.

Dehua Wang, MD


A fever, liver abnormalities, and pancytopenia

A previously healthy 5-week-old former term newborn male presented to the emergency department with the chief complaint of fever ranging from 101-104°F for 2 days. He also had been fussy and not been eating well. The infant remained febrile despite his mother’s administration of Infant Tylenol every 4 hours at home. His mother denied any cough, rhinorrhea, bleeding or bruising, diarrhea, vomiting, and reported stool and urine had been normal. What's the diagnosis?

Jay D. Fisher, MD | Image Credit: Author provided
Jay D. Fisher, MD


Dehydrated infant with fast breathing and sunken anterior fontanel

A 9-month-old girl with a history of grunting and poor weight gain for a few months is evaluated in the emergency department for dehydration and respiratory distress. What’s the diagnosis?

Leah Kuntz


Exploring the link between kids with ADHD and unhealthy eating

A recent study found a negative association between children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and health eating patterns.

Rachel Sehgal, MD


Red papulonodule with central crusting on a neonate’s cheek

A newborn boy born via normal vaginal delivery at 38.6 weeks gestation to a 33-year-old G5P2022 mother presented at birth with an asymptomatic 8-mm red, papulonodule with central crusting on the right cheek. What's the diagnosis?

Krishna Bhatta


How to become a better communicator and negotiator

Some of the essential characteristics of being a good communicator are to be concise, specific, pleasant, approachable, and most of all, to be a good listener.

Abigail Brooks, MA


Early-onset IBD linked to greater risk of diseases with possible autoimmune pathogenesis

Psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis occurred earlier in children and adolescents with IBD than in the matched references without IBD.

Hanna S. Sahhar, MD, FAAP, FACOP


Muscle spasms in a 19-year-old male

A 19-year-old male presents to the emergency department (ED) with headache and fever of 4 days’ duration. Six days earlier, his left palm had been punctured by a rusty nail. What's the diagnosis?

Deeti J. Pithadia, MD


Vulvar ulcerations in a pre-adolescent girl following COVID-19 vaccination

Can you diagnose this patient with a tender bump on the labia majora accompanied by fever and sore throat?

Linda A. DiMeglio, MD


Bridging the Gap for T1D Management

Expert endocrinologists provide final thoughts on addressing unmet needs and improving the management of T1D.

Kaysi Krill, DO


Medical errors in the pediatric emergency department: Don't make these mistakes!

A medical error is not an unusual event, although most are minor. The emergency department is one place where medical errors are more likely because of the chaotic nature. Here's a look at common mistakes and some cases where mistakes were made.

Lynn Smitherman, MD


Racism in pediatric health: How to talk to children about racism

Both the protests in the summer of 2020 for racial justice and the news that non-White Americans are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 have highlighted the urgent need to address racism everywhere, including in pediatric practice.

Katerina Lin, MD | Image Credit: Author provided
Katerina Lin, MD


Friction-induced blistering on a child’s feet

You are called to the hospital nursery to evaluate a healthy full-term newborn boy who developed painful flaccid blisters and erosions on the tops of his feet and ankles shortly after birth. His mother had a history of similar recurrent skin lesions that healed with scarring. She also had oral and gastrointestinal tract involvement. What's the diagnosis?

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