Differentiating Epileptic Seizures From Nonepileptic Spells
November 1st 2008It can be difficult to determine whether unusual, paroxysmal behavior represents a seizure or a nonepileptic event. Children with sudden flailing movements or unresponsive staring may, in fact, be experiencing psychogenic events.
Cystic Hygroma in an 11-Year-Old Girl
November 1st 2008An 11-year-old girl presented with a swelling on the left side of the chin of 1 month's duration; in the past 24 hours, following a bite by an unidentified insect, the swelling had rapidly enlarged and become painful (A). She was otherwise healthy and had no significant medical or family history.
Simple Interventions Can Reduce Medication Errors
November 1st 2008As parents prepare to leave hospitals and physicians' offices with their children, clinicians explain how medications should be administered. Studies have shown that, despite these explanations, medication errors are common in children treated at home. These errors include inaccurate dosing and failure to complete prescribed courses.1
Vaccines, the Public Trust, and the Importance of the Medical Home
November 1st 2008I thoroughly enjoyed the articles "Anti-Vaccine Media: Its Impact-and Strategies to Combat It" by Linda Nield, MD, and "Vaccinations: Immunizations Do Not Cause Autism Spectrum Disorder . . . They Prevent Disease" by Golder Wilson, MD, PhD, and Miranda Ramirez, MD (both of which appeared in the Special Issue on Vaccines that accompanied the September 2008 issue of CONSULTANT FOR PEDIATRICIANS).
Pseudostrabismus (Pseudoesotropia)
November 1st 2008The parents of this 5-month-old boy were concerned that his eyes were turned in toward the nose. The infant was otherwise healthy. Physical examination findings were normal. In particular, when a light source was projected onto the eyes, the light reflex was centered in both eyes.
Happy 4-Year-Old Girl With Developmental Delays, Hand Flapping
October 31st 2008This 4-year-old girl was born to a 27-year-old gravida, 1 para 0 mother at 37 weeks' gestation via vaginal delivery. The pregnancy was uncomplicated. Apgar scores were 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. The child's birth weight, head circumference, and length were 3045 g, 33 cm, and 50 cm, respectively. Her mother noted global developmental delays (particularly in the areas of speech and fine motor skills), abnormal sleep habits, obstructive sleep apnea, and seizure disorder. Family history was unremarkable.