The authors of "Managing acute diarrhea: What every pediatricianneeds to know" (February) have pointed out that the toddler whose photowe used on the first page of their article might appear to be drinking grapejuice or soda. In fact the child in the photo is holding a cup of grape-flavoredoral rehydration solution (Pedialyte). The article emphasized that sweetenedfruit drinks and soft drinks are not appropriate beverages for a child withdiarrhea because of their high osmolarity.
Cathy Brown
I very much enjoyed "Get a grip on the pediatric hip" (November).As a pediatric rheumatologist I have several additional comments that maybe helpful for pediatricians who are evaluating hips.
This is also a good position in which to check for leg length. If thepatient is lying prone with no hip flexion contracture and the knees aretogether and bent 90°, one can look for asymmetry in the femur or thelower part of the legs. If one knee extends farther on the exam table thanthe other, the child may have some femoral length asymmetry or hip jointsubluxation. If one heel extends farther up into the air than the other,there may be some asymmetry in the tibia/fibular component of the leg length.It is important to be sure that the lower legs are perpendicular to theexamining surface.
Gail D. Cawkwell
St. Petersburg, FL
The authors reply: Dr. Cawkwell's thoughtful comments regarding our articleon the pediatric hip are much appreciated.
We agree that referred pain from the hip joint may produce symptoms inthe area between the knee and the groin. Referred pain from the hip is mostcommonly localized to the mid-shaft of the anterior thigh or the medialaspect of the knee (Thompson et al: The hip, in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics,ed 15).
Dr. Cawkwell states that an AP radiograph of the hip rarely will showa hip effusion. This obviously depends on the severity and size of the effusionand the experience of the pediatric radiologist who is reading the X-rays.We agree, however, that an ultrasound should be requested if plain filmsare normal and there are clinical reasons to suspect an effusion.
With regard to sacroiliitis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs arecertainly a mainstay of therapy for sacroiliitis associated with juvenilechronic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other spondyloarthropathies.Local sacroiliitis and recalcitrant enthesitis may be treated with localinjections of corticosteroids, however (Khan MA: Ankylosing spondylitis,in Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases, ed 11).
Finally, we agree with Dr. Cawkwell that radiographic examination ofthe sacroiliac joint in adolescence may be difficult to read. We believethat a high-quality single AP view of the pelvis can provide an adequatescreening examination of the sacroiliac joints and minimizes radiation exposure.Many pediatric radiologists and rheumatologists prefer stereoscopic angulated(30°) or oblique views to evaluate the sacroiliac joints, however. Sacroiliacjoint films are not simple to evaluate. The interested reader can consultthe detailed description of the radiologic abnormalities in sacroiliac jointdisease provided by Cassidy and Petty in the third edition of their Textbookof Pediatric Rheumatology (pages 236237).
Douglas J. Barrett, MD
Ellyn Palermo Theophilopoulos, MD
Gainesville, FL
In my opinion, the Clinical Tip suggesting warm cooking oil to relieveear pain (January) should have included some cautions, such as not to usethis technique if there is a chronic perforation, ear tubes, or acute eardischarge. In addition, a trade-off of using oil in the ear canal is thatit interferes with the otoscopic exam on the following day. Finally, I'mnot sure if cooking oil, olive oil, or baby (mineral) oil is the betterchoice.
Barton D. Schmitt, MD
Denver, CO
This summer, I gave my 2-year-old nephew a bath and he happily playedwith several plastic objects. Being a rambunctious little boy, he suddenlyjumped up, then slipped and fell. He cried with pain and only Mother couldcomfort him. I looked him over, but saw nothing but a small red mark. Thenext day he had a significant purple bruise measuring about 2.5 cm by 3cm. I remarked to my brother and his wife that I was grateful for witnessingthis incident because it showed me that contrary to what I had thought,a lesion like this one is not necessarily caused by abuse.
I especially enjoyed "Skin lesions that mimic abuse" (January)because one of its authors, Dr. Sara Sinal, was one of my favorite attendingswhen I was a resident in the Wake Forest program. I appreciate the reminderfrom her and her colleagues that what appears to be abuse may be somethingelse.
T. Rita Browning, MD
Jacksonville, FL