What's new on Contemporary Pediatrics: February 21 to 25


A look at what to expect from Contemporary Pediatrics this week

Screen time guidelines are created to help protect children's development, but as screens become increasingly omnipresent those guidelines can go by the wayside for many families. A report offers insight into just how many families are meeting the guidelines for young children.

Social determinants of health play a role in many elements of a child's health, including overall access to care. An investigation examines whether this extends to access to surgical care.

Plus, masking, social distancing, and other mitigation strategies have been key to keeping children safe during the pandemic. A model determines when those mitigations may be able to lessen and children will remain safe.

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3 KOLs are featured in this series.
3 KOLs are featured in this series.
3 KOLs are featured in this series.
3 KOLs are featured in this series.
3 KOLs are featured in this series.
Juanita Mora, MD
Natasha Hoyte, MPH, CPNP-PC
Lauren Flagg
Jonathan Miller, MD
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