
Jeff Ryan


How Ben Spock became Dr. Spock

The world's best-known pediatrician, by a country mile, is still Benjamin Spock, MD, the author of The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care.

Micky Heinrichs, MD


More clever and useful mnemonics

A history of mnemonics related to pediaitrcs, combined with a first look at a new mnemonic for diagnostics that runs from a to z.

Alan L. Nager, MD


More clever and useful mnemonics

A history of mnemonics related to pediaitrcs, combined with a first look at a new mnemonic for diagnostics that runs from a to z.

Jessica M. Boudreaux


Dermcase: A newborn with a brown spot

A child is born with congenital melanocytic nevi.

Sherri Neustein, MD


Puzzler: The blue wheezer

A 3-month-old is rushed into hospital after he stopped breathing; he is diagnosed with benign teratoma.

Roya Samuels, MD


Puzzler: The blue wheezer

A 3-month-old is rushed into hospital after he stopped breathing; he is diagnosed with benign teratoma.

Heide Aungst


An integrated model for palliative care

The words "hospice" and "palliative care" have long made parents cringe -- and they might scare off some pediatricians, too.

Joy Shiller, RN, BSN, MS, CAPA


A very good day: What one patient can teach us

The high spirits and optimism of a patient receiving her latest in a long series of chemotherapy treatments provides perspective to a stressed-out nurse, and an enduring lesson in what truly matters.

Bernard A Cohen, MD | Image Credit: Contemporary Pediatrics®
Bernard A Cohen, MD


Diffuse targetoid and bullous skin lesions, mucositis, and ocular discharge in an adolescent male

Can you diagnose this adolescent with an 11-day history of diffuse targetoid and bullous lesions on his extremities and trunk?

Abha Gupta, MD


Ultraviolet radiation exposure and melanoma

The incidence of childhood melanoma is increasing. There is evidence that cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the first 18 years of life contributes to the development of future skin cancers.

Fariba Goodarzian, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Jason Tovar, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Heidi Morris, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Caitlin Colvard, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Cheryl Lew, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Sally Ward, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

Shirleen Loloyan, MD


The plight of a young girl coughing up blood: TB or not TB?

A 7-year-old girl was admitted 3 days ago after presenting with a 3-day history of cough and blood-tinged sputum.

David S Walton, MD


Recognizing childhood glaucoma in the primary pediatric setting

Pediatric glaucoma, if not diagnosed early and treated promptly, can lead to significant corneal and optic nerve damage and loss of vision in infants and young children.

Sarah Tatum Ritchie, MD


Vomiting, failure to thrive in a breastfed infant

A baby presented to you at 8 months has episodes of vomiting and has experienced rapid deceleration of weight velocity since 4 months.

Tiffany Linville, MD


Vomiting, failure to thrive in a breastfed infant

A baby presented to you at 8 months has episodes of vomiting and has experienced rapid deceleration of weight velocity since 4 months.

Lauren Boydston, MD


Anxiety disorders in adolescents

Once you have identified that your adolescent patient has an anxiety disorder, it's time to assess the depth of the problem to discover the best treatment.

Donald Novak, MD


Vomiting, failure to thrive in a breastfed infant

A baby presented to you at 8 months has episodes of vomiting and has experienced rapid deceleration of weight velocity since 4 months.

Timothy Horeczko, MD, MSCR


Deciding whether to use CT scan with trauma

Computed tomography to evaluate pediatric minor head trauma has risen sharply in the last decade, causing concern about long-term effects of ionizing radiation and the associated risk of cancer.

Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH


Deciding whether to use CT scan with trauma

Computed tomography to evaluate pediatric minor head trauma has risen sharply in the last decade, causing concern about long-term effects of ionizing radiation and the associated risk of cancer.

Ray Chih-Jui Hsiao, MD


Anxiety disorders in adolescents

Once you have identified that your adolescent patient has an anxiety disorder, it's time to assess the depth of the problem to discover the best treatment.

Pauline Balkaransingh, MD, MBBS


Neck mass in 11-year-old boy

An 11-year-old boy with a 1-week history of progressive left facial pain comes to see you.

Clifton C Lee, MD


Neck mass in 11-year-old boy

An 11-year-old boy with a 1-week history of progressive left facial pain comes to see you.

Beth S Zha, PhD


Neck mass in 11-year-old boy

An 11-year-old boy with a 1-week history of progressive left facial pain comes to see you.

Kenneth B Roberts, MD


Urinary tract infection in febrile infants

AAP recommendations for diagnosing and managing a first urinary tract infection in children aged 2 to 24 months were updated in 2011.

Jenna Hammond, DO


Changing birthmark worries mother of 4-year-old

The mother of a 4-year-old boy schedules an urgent visit in your office this afternoon for evaluation of a birthmark.

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