
Julie Ewasiuk, MD


Febrile seizures: How to determine underlying contributors

A 12-month-old boy apparently had a seizure. He is no longer seizing and is reportedly stable.

Judith Becker, MD


Cardiovascular risk in ADHD pharmacotherapy

Pharmacotherapy, namely the stimulant medications methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine (MAS) and the nonstimulant medication atomoxetine (Strattera), is the recommended treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Avram Z. Traum, MD


Cardiovascular risk in ADHD pharmacotherapy

Pharmacotherapy, namely the stimulant medications methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine (MAS) and the nonstimulant medication atomoxetine (Strattera), is the recommended treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Paul Hammerness, MD


Cardiovascular risk in ADHD pharmacotherapy

Pharmacotherapy, namely the stimulant medications methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine (MAS) and the nonstimulant medication atomoxetine (Strattera), is the recommended treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Anita Deshpande, BS


Cardiovascular risk in ADHD pharmacotherapy

Pharmacotherapy, namely the stimulant medications methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine (MAS) and the nonstimulant medication atomoxetine (Strattera), is the recommended treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Eric Levey, MD


Transitioning adolescents to adult care and adulthood: Is it time yet?

Adolescent and young adult patients need help with the process of transitioning to adult care, in which patients are more responsible for their own healthcare.

Joel S. Tieder, MD, MPH


A pragmatic approach to apparent life-threatening events

The infant who arrives for medical care after an apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) presents the pediatrician with a host of uncertainties

Joshua L. Bonkowsky, MD, PhD


A pragmatic approach to apparent life-threatening events

The infant who arrives for medical care after an apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) presents the pediatrician with a host of uncertainties

Dennis Z. Kuo, MD, MHS


Transitioning adolescents to adult care and adulthood: Is it time yet?

Adolescent and young adult patients need help with the process of transitioning to adult care, in which patients are more responsible for their own healthcare.

Renata Arrington Sanders, MD, MPH


Transitioning adolescents to adult care and adulthood: Is it time yet?

Adolescent and young adult patients need help with the process of transitioning to adult care, in which patients are more responsible for their own healthcare.

Paul H. Lipkin, MD


Implementing developmental surveillance and screening for identifying issues early

To encourage accurate and early identification of children with delays, disabilities, and emerging problems, in 2006 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated its policy statement on developmental surveillance (DS) and screening to include a decision-making paradigm.

Victor Kotka, MD


A case of refractory atopic dermatitis

A 12-year-old is brought into the office for a 10-month-old generalized itchy skin eruption.

Catherine McCuaig, MD


A case of refractory atopic dermatitis

A 12-year-old is brought into the office for a 10-month-old generalized itchy skin eruption.

Oluwatosin Fatusin, MSIV


An unwelcome eruption: periorificial dermatitis

An 11-year-old comes into the office with an asymptomatic slowly progressive eruption that began 3 years prior. The problem is finally resolved with topical and/or systemic treatment.

Isabelle Auger, MD


A case of refractory atopic dermatitis

A 12-year-old is brought into the office for a 10-month-old generalized itchy skin eruption.

George Starr, MD


Your Voice

Recent letters from Contemporary Pediatrics readers.

David V. Smith, MD


Performance-enhancing substances in teens

The pressures to perform and improve physical appearance are driving teens to experiment with performance-enhancing agents. This review bring pediatricians up to speed about this unsafe trend.

Catherine M. Radwan


Celebrate a nurse today and every day!

It’s time to recognize a national treasure-nurses-during National Nurses Month. We can’t hug them during these days of social distancing, but we can honor them and thank them for all that they do, especially at great personal cost.

Kate Puttgen, MD


An unwelcome eruption: periorificial dermatitis

An 11-year-old comes into the office with an asymptomatic slowly progressive eruption that began 3 years prior. The problem is finally resolved with topical and/or systemic treatment.

Heide Aungst


Delivering bad news: Helping your patients retain dire details

After receiving a negative diagnosis, patients often are too emotional to understand or even hear you explain their condition. Help give your patients a clearer picture of what lies ahead with our tips for sensitive engagement and education.

RN Journal staff


Mailbox: Nurses' voices and opinions

Nurse manager offers praise for August 2009 RN bullying feature; retired nursing instructor links nursing shortage with lack of preventive care in the U.S. healthcare system; our August 2009 Reflections piece reminds a nurse of her own training in keeping patient care her primary focus.

Chris (Yi) Deng, BS


20-month old boy has had extremely dry skin since birth

A mother seeks an evaluation of her 20-month-old son, who has grown slowly and has had leathery dry skin since birth. He also has had multiple skin infections and chronic conjunctivitis, and he has delayed language development.

Contemporary Pediatrics Staff


Exploring an individualized treatment approach for central precocious puberty

In the field of pediatric care, the understanding and management of central precocious puberty (CPP) is evolving, thanks to emerging data and individualized treatment approaches.

John Merriman


Parent guide: Sport-specific safety information

A sport-by-sport list of everything you need to keep a young athlete safe.

Contemporary Pediatrics Staff


AAP supports use of thimerosal in vaccines

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has endorsed the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization to retain the use of thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines.

Stephanie Skernivitz


Low-income parents who spank toddlers may foster aggression later

Impoverished parents who spank their one-year-old children may encourage aggressive behaviors and cognitive delays in their children for the next two years.

Julie A Jefferson, MD


Newborn's rash linked to mother's antibodies

You are called from your office to the nursery to see a healthy newborn with a diffuse facial eruption. Her mother, who had a normal pregnancy, labor, and delivery, has a history of Sjogren's syndrome.

Amanda Brower


Shared medical appointments: Healing individuals while treating groups

Group medical appointments-in which multiple patients meet with physicians, nurses, and specialists-can restore the team approach to treatment and foster mutual support.

Sally Beattie, RN, MS, ACNS, GNP-BC


Hypertension: Nursing guide to this cardiac pressure cooker

Patients may be overwhelmed with the multiple lifestyle changes that control of hypertension requires. RN's care guide will help them understand why each step toward normal blood pressure is so important for long-term health.

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