
Jane M. Carnazzo, MD


How to correctly diagnose and treat community-acquired pneumonia

The winter season of respiratory diseases is nearly here. Knowing how to manage community-acquired pneumonia is essential.

Keith Loria


Optimizing outcomes for pediatric infusion therapy

An expert offers considerations and developmentally appropriate interventions to promote high-quality, patient-centered pediatric infusion care.

Jack M. Gorman, MD


Considering anger among health care professionals

It is an uncomfortable emotion that is often suppressed—but potent.

Frances Grimstad, MD, MS


Providing the best care for transgender adolescents

Offering an inclusive, safe space along with the best care for transgender and nonbinary adolescent patients is more important than ever.

Jennifer Thompson, MD


The Dx and Rx of food allergies

With the incidence of food allergies continuing to go up, understanding the diagnostic process and available treatment is important.

Taish Malone, PhD, LPC-S


Examining the biopsychosocial explanations for gender disparities in autism

Recent research suggests females with autism may need their own set of parameters on which to be measured.

Bridget McCoy, MD


Psychosis in an 18-year-old male

Alex, an 18-year-old male, presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of paranoia, agitation, and disorganized behavior. He had no psychiatric history or prior mental health contact and no known medical conditions.

Brandi Kaye Freeman, MD, MS


Racism in pediatric health: How to talk to children about racism

Both the protests in the summer of 2020 for racial justice and the news that non-White Americans are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 have highlighted the urgent need to address racism everywhere, including in pediatric practice.

Amy Gallop, MD


Psychosis in an 18-year-old male

Alex, an 18-year-old male, presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of paranoia, agitation, and disorganized behavior. He had no psychiatric history or prior mental health contact and no known medical conditions.

Joel A. Vilensky, PhD


Can newborns breathe and swallow at the same time?

Fact vs myth when it comes to babies breathing during breastfeeding.

Amy L. Kiskaddon, PharmD, MBA, BCPPS


Pediatric obesity presents complexities in medication dosing

Amy L. Kiskaddon, PharmD, MBA, BCPPS, discusses how medication doses need to be adjusted for pediatric patients with obesity.

William Kenan


Muscle spasms in a 19-year-old male

A 19-year-old male presents to the emergency department (ED) with headache and fever of 4 days’ duration. Six days earlier, his left palm had been punctured by a rusty nail. What's the diagnosis?

Jennifer Lin Uzzell, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHS, CLL, EBP-C


Healthy children in body and mind

Lifestyle medicine and mental health management in pediatric primary care promote positive health and holistic well-being.

Gary Marshall, MD


Safety and Efficacy of Cell Based Influenza Vaccines

Gary Marshall, MD, discusses the safety and efficacy of cell based influenza vaccines and some of the knowledge gaps that remain about influenza virus in children.

Amy W. Zawacki, MD | Image Credit: Author provided
Amy W. Zawacki, MD


Hypothermia and abnormal eye movements in a 5-week-old infant

A 5-week-old female infant born at 38 weeks presents to her pediatrician with abnormal eye movements. What’s the diagnosis?

Amanda Clouser, PharmD


Harmful excipients for pediatric patients

Evidence suggests some pharmaceutical excipients in medications may have adverse effects on pediatric patients. Here’s what you should know.

Mahmoud Hassanein, MD | Image Credit: Author provided
Mahmoud Hassanein, MD


Suspicious facial swelling in a 22-month-old girl

A 22-month-old female patient with sickle cell disease on folic acid and penicillin prophylaxis with a 3-day history of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, fever and decreased oral intake presents to the emergency department (ED) for acute facial swelling noted when she woke up from a nap. What's the diagnosis?

Molly Siver, PharmD


The latest FDA approvals for children’s medications

Read the latest medications for pediatric patients approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Russell Libby, MD, FAAP


Crossover symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza

As respiratory viruses and COVID-19 variants lurk seemingly everywhere, here’s how best to detect and differentiate.

Caitlyn Bradford, PharmD


Advancements in FDA approvals for pediatric obesity treatment

GLP-1 receptor agonists, used to treat diabetes, are now also being used for obesity in children and adolescents.

Chelsie Derman


Study: Exploring lasting benefits of bariatric surgery for teens with severe obesity

A decade after bariatric surgery, most teens maintained weight loss and reduced obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

Elizabeth Swanson, MD


Take-Home Points

Joshua Zeichner, MD; Brittany Craiglow, MD; Elizabeth Swanson, MD; Vikash Oza, MD; and Raj Chovatiya, MD, PhD, provide take-home messages for dermatologists treating pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis.

Courtney Flaherty


FDA approval sought for mirdametinib in NF1-PN

SpringWorks Therapeutics has initiated a new drug application for mirdametinib in neurofibromatosis type 1-associated plexiform neurofibromas.

Elizabeth M. Chawla, MD


How pediatricians can help mitigate the mental health crisis

Now that major medical organizations have declared a youth mental health crisis, what can pediatricians do to advocate for change?

Viviane Liao, BA


Diffuse targetoid and bullous skin lesions, mucositis, and ocular discharge in an adolescent male

Can you diagnose this adolescent with an 11-day history of diffuse targetoid and bullous lesions on his extremities and trunk?

Jennifer Leah Goetz, MD


Eating disorders in minority and marginalized populations

What kind of person comes to mind when you think of eating disorders? Here’s why you might be wrong.

Rob Schile


Future proofing health care

The pandemic’s profound impact on the industry has only heightened with staffing shortages and health care legislation complexities.

Pracheta Bhagat, MS3


Psychosis in an 18-year-old male

Alex, an 18-year-old male, presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of paranoia, agitation, and disorganized behavior. He had no psychiatric history or prior mental health contact and no known medical conditions.

Ron Southwick


Major health policy issues still pending for 'lame duck' congress

Physicians, hospitals and health groups press Congress on big issues before term ends.

Terri Joy


Ensuring that you still get paid for telehealth in 2021

3 best practices you must implement to stay compliant and collect maximum reimbursement.

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