6 pitfalls to avoid in managing ADHD
August 7th 2019Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may affect a significant number of children in a pediatric practice. This article reviews diagnostic criteria, comorbidities, and complications of ADHD as well as pitfalls that confront the treating pediatrician.
Measles makes a comeback: What to know, what to do
July 11th 2019Measles is once again a significant public health problem in the United States. Many pediatricians and most parents have never seen actual measles in a child, hence the urgent need to reeducate clinicians and caregivers about clinical manifestations and prevention of the disease.
How to identify and treat bullying
Bullying is a preventable health problem that has lasting impacts. Pediatricians need to screen patients for risk factors, empower families with coping skills, and advocate for antibullying resources in their communities.
Red flags for genetic disorders
October 1st 2018At a minimum, the pediatrician should be familiar with genetic disease on the newborn screen and other genetic diseases they may see in their office. It’s also important to recognize the child with multiple medical issues who also may need referral to a genetic or metabolic specialist.